Explanation of Gallery Tags

The tags used in the gallery are designed to increase the searchable advantage of Gertrude Käsebier's photographs, drawings, and documents. The tags are divided into several categories, including "Individual(s)," "Concept(s)," "Subject(s)", "Theme(s)," and "Portrait View(s)".

The names of individual people in the photographs and authors of the drawings are tagged where known. Several of the photographs were labeled with more than one name over time. The uncertainty of these names is indicated with a "(?)". The list of names displays first on the search page to give primacy to the men and women who sat for Käsebier and often became her friends.

The Concept section gives the user insight into "invisible" elements of the photographs, documents, and drawings that the curator sees when examining the images.

With little exception, the subject tags comply with Library of Congress subject headings. These are the "visible" and physical elements of the photographs.

The curated divisions between the themes of the photographs are outlined in the Themes Section.

Portrait View(s)
This category divides the photographs by their pose and composure.